I’m a 65 year old male that’s moderately overweight, with a fairly high A1C…hovering around pre-diabetic and heart issues so the doc just put me on Ozempic .25 last Thursday to start. I have NO appetite. Talking to the wife it seems I’ve had a diet of cookies, candy, cake, Carmel popcorn, coke…you get the idea and I would “supplement“ with “real” food. Now…I have no desire to eat ANYTHING. The daughter fixed a birthday brunch today but all the stuff was food for the old me...all the sweet stuff plus bacon. I mostly ate the scrambled eggs and bacon and felt really bad she made so much and I couldn’t eat it. Shortly afterwards I had diarrhea.
I’ve read Ozempic takes a while to work but within a few hours my appetite was GONE. Anyone on here who had bad eating habits, no appetite and wondered if youre gonna pass out, when you finds started?
Edit: Decided to take advantage of this concierge doc and sent her a text. She texted back and said to order some Fairlife 30 gram protein shakes and let the pounds fall off without passing out ha. Amazon is gonna deliver a variety pack in the moring. Guess that will be my “lunch”. It’s got more protein than a filet mignon best I can tell so.