I've been on Ozempic since August 2022. Months earlier I had been diagnosed with pre-diabeties. I started going to a local doctor to start trying to manage pre-diabetes..I was put on a few meds (metphormin, jardiance) but my A1C level and sugars were still to high and i was then diagnosed with diabeties..so they started me on .25mg Once week. Once a week. before i was prescribed ozempic i had never even heard of it before and had no idea i would lose weight on it.
1 was a 47yr old male (on disability) at the time I started ozempic. I weighed 285 pounds and my A1C was 13%..after a few months I was bumped up to .5mg once a week. I started to realize I was losing weight, I was grazing allday long and my craving for sweets or food in general disappeared..I was then bumped (bout 6 months from start) up to 1mg ozempic weekly..everything seemed fine..my A1C came way down (under 7%) I lost over 40 pounds. I was feeling alot better not as tired or had more energy and my mood seemed brighter. I never felt hungry anymore or had any kind of cravings. Around March of 2023 I was bumped up to 2mg ozempic once a week. I had some of the common side effects of ozempic, constipation, upset stomach, nausea, but they weren't very bad and seemed to disappear over time until I went up to 2mg. (Mentioned later down the page)
I also need to tell you I see a therapist and a physiologist for depression for about 11 years. I'm on a few different medications and the meds they started me on seemed to work wonders and helped me alot for many years up till end of 2022.
Everything seemed to start unraveling around January 2023.. my depression seemed to get worse by the month, I stopped going out, I started having trouble sleeping, I was distancing myself from everyone including my family. My physiologist and I have a wonderful relationship, I would consider her a friend. I started telling her what was Goin on around March of 2023. So together we started to try and switch up my depression and anxiety meds to try and get some help and relief..nothing seemed to help..Also being on the 2mg ozempic seemed to much for me to handle. I wasn't eating at all, I felt sick all the time, I was getting horrible headaches extremely nauseated. So I got in touch with my diabetes doc and she lowered me back to 1mg. It seems to be helping my nausea a bit and I am eating some again going back down to 1 mg..As far as losing weight I seem to have leveled out at about 245 pounds. (Give or take 3 pounds).
I have been in contact with my physcologist literally 3 days a week or more since August because my depression, anxiety, hopelessness, low energy, basically never leaving home, not talking to anyone except my doctor, it has gotten very very bad. I'm still getting bad headaches and my anxiety is almost intolerable. It's now I should add that since around mid September I have started having suicidal thoughts and ideas. Not so much a full on plan or carrying out anything but the thoughts are there and I can't block them out. I have never ever had these kind of thoughts before. I spoke again to my physcologist Nov 8th and we are both in agreement my latest experiment with new doses and depression meds aren't working. She has suggested that I stop taking Ozempic (Fridays my usual 1mg dose) to see if that helps at all. So starting now I am going to skip taking my ozempic the next 3 weeks. Ozempic has a 7 day half life which means it will take atleast 3 weeks to be out of my system I was told. I don't talk to anyone else how i'm feeling cause i really don't have any close friends, my family wouldn't understand, and sometimes i feel like i'm just being a pain and nobody wants to hear about my dumb depression. (Everyone has depression & anxiety I will be told)
I can't tell you for sure it's the Ozempic that is causing me problems with my mood and depression and suicidal thoughts. I do know I have never ever felt as bad as I do right now and nothing seems to be helping me improve. My doctor is extremely concerned and I'm at the point that I don't really care anymore and feel like giving up trying to feel better, but I'm trying whatever my physcologist suggests.
So in the beginning with ozempic..like I said I had no idea about ozempic before I started taking it so i had zero expectations of what it would do for me. It worked great my sugar numbers got within acceptable range I lost around 40 pounds, my energy level and overall mood seemed alot better. But slowly over time things seemed to start changing not overnight but slowly. I've been on ozempic for about 16 months now. Started on .25mg got all the way up to 2mg now back to 1mg since August of 2023. I am hoping by stopping ozempic completely I start feeling better. I don't know what else to possibly do, I've tried everything. Could it be the Ozempic? I don't know..I've read alot of articles about ozempic over the past year but don't really know what to believe. I guess I will see if anything changes by stopping ozempic completely.
I've been on Ozempic since August 2022. Months earlier I had been diagnosed with pre-diabeties. I started going to a local doctor to start trying to manage pre-diabetes..I was put on a few meds (metphormin, jardiance) but my A1C level and sugars were still to high and i was then diagnosed with diabeties..so they started me on .25mg Once week. Once a week. before i was prescribed ozempic i had never even heard of it before and had no idea i would lose weight on it.
1 was a 47yr old male (on disability) at the time I started ozempic. I weighed 285 pounds and my A1C was 13%..after a few months I was bumped up to .5mg once a week. I started to realize I was losing weight, I was grazing allday long and my craving for sweets or food in general disappeared..I was then bumped (bout 6 months from start) up to 1mg ozempic weekly..everything seemed fine..my A1C came way down (under 7%) I lost over 40 pounds. I was feeling alot better not as tired or had more energy and my mood seemed brighter. I never felt hungry anymore or had any kind of cravings. Around March of 2023 I was bumped up to 2mg ozempic once a week. I had some of the common side effects of ozempic, constipation, upset stomach, nausea, but they weren't very bad and seemed to disappear over time until I went up to 2mg. (Mentioned later down the page)
I also need to tell you I see a therapist and a physiologist for depression for about 11 years. I'm on a few different medications and the meds they started me on seemed to work wonders and helped me alot for many years up till end of 2022.
Everything seemed to start unraveling around January 2023.. my depression seemed to get worse by the month, I stopped going out, I started having trouble sleeping, I was distancing myself from everyone including my family. My physiologist and I have a wonderful relationship, I would consider her a friend. I started telling her what was Goin on around March of 2023. So together we started to try and switch up my depression and anxiety meds to try and get some help and relief..nothing seemed to help..Also being on the 2mg ozempic seemed to much for me to handle. I wasn't eating at all, I felt sick all the time, I was getting horrible headaches extremely nauseated. So I got in touch with my diabetes doc and she lowered me back to 1mg. It seems to be helping my nausea a bit and I am eating some again going back down to 1 mg..As far as losing weight I seem to have leveled out at about 245 pounds. (Give or take 3 pounds).
I have been in contact with my physcologist literally 3 days a week or more since August because my depression, anxiety, hopelessness, low energy, basically never leaving home, not talking to anyone except my doctor, it has gotten very very bad. I'm still getting bad headaches and my anxiety is almost intolerable. It's now I should add that since around mid September I have started having suicidal thoughts and ideas. Not so much a full on plan or carrying out anything but the thoughts are there and I can't block them out. I have never ever had these kind of thoughts before. I spoke again to my physcologist Nov 8th and we are both in agreement my latest experiment with new doses and depression meds aren't working. She has suggested that I stop taking Ozempic (Fridays my usual 1mg dose) to see if that helps at all. So starting now I am going to skip taking my ozempic the next 3 weeks. Ozempic has a 7 day half life which means it will take atleast 3 weeks to be out of my system I was told. I don't talk to anyone else how i'm feeling cause i really don't have any close friends, my family wouldn't understand, and sometimes i feel like i'm just being a pain and nobody wants to hear about my dumb depression. (Everyone has depression & anxiety I will be told)
I can't tell you for sure it's the Ozempic that is causing me problems with my mood and depression and suicidal thoughts. I do know I have never ever felt as bad as I do right now and nothing seems to be helping me improve. My doctor is extremely concerned and I'm at the point that I don't really care anymore and feel like giving up trying to feel better, but I'm trying whatever my physcologist suggests.
So in the beginning with ozempic..like I said I had no idea about ozempic before I started taking it so i had zero expectations of what it would do for me. It worked great my sugar numbers got within acceptable range I lost around 40 pounds, my energy level and overall mood seemed alot better. But slowly over time things seemed to start changing not overnight but slowly. I've been on ozempic for about 16 months now. Started on .25mg got all the way up to 2mg now back to 1mg since August of 2023. I am hoping by stopping ozempic completely I start feeling better. I don't know what else to possibly do, I've tried everything. Could it be the Ozempic? I don't know..I've read alot of articles about ozempic over the past year but don't really know what to believe. I guess I will see if anything changes by stopping ozempic completely.