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My review right after 14 days: honestly about Ozempic weight loss results



New member
Jul 4, 2022
Have been on it for 14 days now. My starting weight was 210 pounds (I am 5 feet and 1 inch tall). I won't beat around the bush and will share my Ozempic weight loss results at once. I've lost a total of ten pounds. Six of them were lost in the first week, and four more were lost in the second. Surely, it was not only Ozempic's merit. I forgot about eating any carbs and worked out a lot.

Now a few words about side effects. :censored:Dry mouth was the most apparent one. Initially, I had some adverse effects like jitteriness and increased talkativeness, but those feelings have passed. There was no sleeplessness nor a pounding heart. It has been of great assistance to me in overcoming my cravings and snacking. I tend to chew with my teeth clenched and used to eat sweet snacks all day long at work, which I would often wash down with carbonated beverages. Now when I'm at work, all I do is drink water and eat one snack.

I know for sure that I could not do so well on my own without Ozempic. Of course, one shouldn't wait for some magic works from the drug. Don't believe Ozempic reviews saying otherwise. But it helps to get rid of hunger cramps, relieve appetite and gives time to take care of your health. For this, I am grateful to Ozempic. 🤗