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How to store Ozempic. Bought too many pens at once, and now I’m afraid that they will go bad



New member
Jul 4, 2022
Hi, everyone. I’m an absolute beginner, so I apologize in advance if my questions seem stupid to anyone. I have a long treatment for obesity and type two diabetes ahead. I am by nature a responsible person, so I decided to immediately buy everything necessary, everything that the doctor advised me.

However, I did not take care of the main thing: I did not know how to store the medicine. Now I’m afraid that I bought everything in advance for nothing.

Does ozempic have to be refrigerated? It seems so. I read about it. But I don’t know the exact temperature. If you don’t mind telling me how to store the drug, please do it. I need an ozempic storage guide. Are rules the same for opened and unopened boxes? I should mention that it’s usually rather warm at my place. If so, should I take the drug out of the fridge only for injections and put it back at once? I’m afraid I have already made a mistake because I left my Ozempic on the shelf at room temperature for a week. Does it mean I should throw it all in the rubbish? Thanks in advance for your attention and answers.


New member
Jan 10, 2023
Hi Sweet_tooth, I know since you posted a long time ago, my comment would be kinda late, but still hoping not useless.
Let's start with the shelf life. As far as I know, it's 40-50 days. Experts say that if you keep this medicine at home, you should keep it out of sight and out of reach of children. It's the first crucial rule. Does ozempic have to be refrigerated? Yes!! But only if you didn't open the pen. Then put it in a fridge. Be careful in choosing the place. The drug must be kept away from the cooling element and shouldn't be stored on the fridge door.
As for opened pens, room temperature is fine for them. But you can still keep it in a fridge if it makes you feel calm. The lower temperature limit is 2°C because the solution for injections shouldn't be frozen. I myself was a beginner, so decided to learn this info beforehand, hence I know.
Anyways, I hope it helps someone here.